Making Oldhammer Box absolute joy!
For most of 2024 I worked on the painting of an oldhammer Dwarf Army, but
after a while it got tiring, painting up many minis that all look pretty
-HOW TO MAKE- Swamp Bases
Hi all and welcome back again! :)
I apologize for being away from blog for this long time but i got a "work
upgrade", i changed home (and many other pos...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
Tutorial: AK Interactive Worn Effects (Chipping)
I have had a few questions about this fantastic little product, so thought
I would write a tutorial about how to use it. AK Interactive Worn Effects
are an...
Maelstrom's Edge
Over the last couple of years, hobby time has been at a premium, and what
time I've had has been dedicated to a project that I can say I'm very
excited ...
On Furies
Kevin is back from vacation and back on the mic! Before setting off on his
40 GT's in 40 nights tour of the country, Blackmoor gave me six metal
Furies and...
The 40k Hibernation and My Other Gaming News
Hello all, welcome back to What To Play.
Spring has sprung (though you wouldn't know it here in chilly Wisconsin
with reports of freezing rain scheduled f...
Selling my Imperial Guard
After some thought, I have decided to sell off my small Imperial Guard lot
I have had for a long time. In this is a Golden Demon winning unit - my
Cadian ...
Awesome pics. Love the info. Marker lights are going to make flyers very unhappy. Especially the necrons:)